How to perform preventative maintenance on the plumbing system before winter.


When beginning preventive maintenance, it is essential to perform a thorough inspection of the pipes and pipes in your home. This inspection must be carried out by a professional to ensure that nothing is left to chance.

The plumber will check the general condition of the pipes and pipes, detect any problems and advise you on the actions to take.

Checking for water and gas leaks

Inspecting pipes and pipes includes looking for water and gas leaks. It is essential to detect leaks as soon as possible, as they can lead to serious problems, such as increased water and gas consumption, property damage and health risks. The professional will methodically check the pipes and connections to ensure that no leaks are hiding in your home.

Pipe insulation

Insulating pipes is an essential step in protecting your plumbing and heating system from the cold of winter. Indeed, when temperatures drop, pipes can freeze and burst, causing significant damage and heating outages. To avoid these problems, make sure your pipes are properly insulated and protected.

Boiler and heating system maintenance

The boiler and the heating system are the central elements of your plumbing installation. Regular and preventive maintenance of these devices will allow you to guarantee their proper functioning and durability.

Checking and cleaning the boiler

Maintenance of the boiler must be carried out by a competent professional, who will in particular check the proper functioning of the burner, the exchangers, the smoke evacuation system, and the safety devices. He will also clean the various elements of the boiler, such as the heating body and the smoke ducts, to ensure its proper functioning and prevent the risk of breakdowns and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Checking the heating system

In addition to the boiler, it is necessary to check the proper functioning of the entire heating system, in particular the radiators and thermostats. The professional will ensure that the radiators are properly bled and that the thermostats are working correctly to maintain a stable and comfortable temperature in your home.

Maintenance of septic systems and tanks

If your home is equipped with a septic system or a tank, it is essential to carry out preventative maintenance before winter. These installations can be weakened by cold and bad weather, and therefore require regular monitoring to ensure their proper functioning.

Inspection of septic systems

A sanitation professional must carry out a visual inspection of septic installations, notably checking the condition of pipes, tanks, manholes and filters. He must also ensure that the system is functioning properly and that the wastewater is properly treated and disposed of.

Emptying the pit

Emptying the pit is a mandatory operation that must be carried out regularly to avoid problems of clogging, bad odors and soil pollution. A professional must intervene to pump and evacuate the sludge and waste present in the pit, and carry out rigorous cleaning of the installation.

Subscription to a maintenance contract

To ensure that your plumbing and heating system is always in good working order, it is recommended to take out a maintenance contract with a professional. This contract will guarantee you regular monitoring of your installation, with preventive and corrective interventions if necessary.

Benefits of the maintenance contract

Taking out a maintenance contract has several advantages for you and your home. First of all, it allows you to benefit from the expertise of a professional who knows your installation and can intervene quickly in the event of a problem. In addition, regular and preventive maintenance will allow you to extend the life of your plumbing and heating system, and avoid breakdowns and inconvenience linked to a malfunction.

Terms of the maintenance contract

The content and terms of the maintenance contract may vary depending on the company and the scope of the services chosen. It is important to discuss with the professional to determine your needs and expectations, and to choose a contract adapted to your situation. The contract may include periodic maintenance visits, breakdown response, and advisory and support services to improve your installation.

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